Fall Meeting
Cedarville University
October 27, 2018
President Alison Acord called the meeting to order
Thank you to Beth Cram Porter for hosting!
Approval of April online minutes: Kelly Burns moved, Tim Culver second, all present in favor, motion to approve passed.
Tracy gave $ and membership report. The treasury is healthy, and our membership is 148.
We are able to increase prize money by $25 for each 1st -3rd place
Tim Culver VP: rep has been preapproved; AuditionWare program kinks are working themselves out
Alison on today’s auditions:
you MUST give their 70-100 score and room rank – it is a National regulation and may help prevent ties
We now have a red “comments only” stamp. If there is an issue, discuss with student AFTER singing, let the tally room know.
Repertoire: there were a couple of issues this year – see if the opera the aria is from is being performed anywhere, and that will make the aria an aria, not a song; 24/26/28 Italian Books – lower categories use as aria and/or song, upper categories as song; “Un moto di gioia” – is an aria, even though it isn’t performed within “Figaro”
Diana McCoullough is working with students in groups and individually
It is almost impossible to change singing times. Once AuditionWare makes the schedule, Tim fixes the conflicts (usually pianists). We just can’t move students around as pianist schedule could become seriously problematic.
David Mannell – the regional governor, is here today and judging! Is working to set up a website for the Great Lakes Region. If you have any suggestions or comments, please reach out to David.
Linda Snyder (National Past-President) – Is now director of the Intern program (at NEC this summer); is also now chair of the nominating committee; We had a strong Ohio representation at the National Conference in Las Vegas this summer
Please take time to read the updated Ethics Policy
There are new committees: International Advisory Group (take advantage of the Germany trip opportunity!); Music Education task force – a need for advocacy – the Board approved for this to be an official Advocacy Committee for singing, music, education, inclusion
NATS Foundation and NATS Inc. are joining together to fundraise.
Tracy proposed a $200 donation to the NATS foundation – Tim Culver moved, Janet Ziegler second, all in favor, motion passed
The question last year regarding a reduction in fees for auditions for maternity leave; we cannot do this, as there are many reasons members cannot come; all reasons are valid, and we cannot favor one situation over another
Provide own sub, instead?
The $50 fee plus $20 lunch doesn’t seem to deter our members from missing auditions
Kelly Burns: if you are absent and can find your own judge, can you not pay the $50?
The chapter must absorb costs when teacher doesn’t come
If you provide a sub, that must be done at registration, and you must pay for the sub’s lunch
What about a very last-minute teacher illness? It depends on the year and whether we have extra judges
Sub must be Ohio NATS member, preferably
David Mannell – we should come up with a Great Lakes policy regarding this
Motion to table this discussion in order to consult GL Region members
Kelly Burns moved; Tim Culver second
One of our goals in our chapter has been to engage independent teachers
Mix and mingle! Please introduce yourself to others with your nametag color!
Sue Wallin: independent voice studio conference being offered June 8, 2019! Please attend if you are an independent teacher and encourage your independent colleagues to do the same. Also good for graduate students.
Last year AIMS gave scholarships to winners. This year, there are scholarships for the upper categories.
Spring meeting April 6, 2019 @ Capital Univ. – Rebecca Folsom will be there to do a workshop on pedagogy and singing for teachers.
Next Fall 2019 Auditions are tentatively at U of Toledo
Survey Monkey results:
most don’t attend regional auditions due to distance
Reasons to come to a spring meeting: most willing to travel 2 hours; motivated by interesting subject (pedagogy, Masterclass, seminar); newly composed song/opera; commercial/belt; vocal health; offer peer reviews – poster presentations
Revisions to the Ohio Chapter Bylaws (Alison provided handout)
Motion - Denise Milner-Howell
Second - Chad Payton
All in favor
Motion passed
This Spring, we will be voting on 4 new board members (1, 3-year term and 3, 2-year terms)
Schmidt Youth Vocal Competition for HS student information is available!